Friday, September 2, 2011

Still No Jobs - Examining Job Creation Ideas from President & GOP Candidates

The August jobs number that were made public this morning points to zero job growth and a 9.1% unemployment rate.  Gene Sperling continues to explain the lack of job growth as a situation that President Obama inherited.

Many wonder if the job's speech that President Obama has planned for September 8th will actually be any different than what he has been putting forth in the last year.  The question for today is whether anyone, the President and any of the GOP candidates have a solid plan to help with job creation in this economy.  The current culture of uncertainty has definitely affected the lack of job growth in the country; what needs to happen in order to help companies become more certain of the economy to initiate job growth and create more productivity?

So with the President's Job's speech upcoming, let's look at some of the other candidates plan for the economy along with his.

Jon Huntsman
Mitt Romney
Ron Paul
President Obama

These are just some of the plans that the presidential candidates have discussed, and we will likely here more on this issue at the September 7th GOP debates in California and also from President Obama as well at his Job's speech on the 8th.  So what do you guys think?  Which candidate's plan are you the most impressed with or the most interested to hear about more?

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